Dr. Adam Bohnet



Welcome to my webpage. There are some admitted problems still with this page, some which may be impossible to solve. I note that the webpage does not seem to accept diacritics or East Asian scripts, which is very unfortunate from my point of view.

 I am a social and cultural historian of Choson Korea (1392-1910). My teaching is more broadly oriented, and I try to provide to my students at King's University College at the University of Western Ontario a pan-East Asian and global perspective, in so far as I am able to to do so. In part this is driven by the simple fact that I am the main non-Western historian in the department, but it is also a wonderful excuse for me to look into the histories of regions of the world that I might not otherwise explore - including, these days, the Ottoman Empire and Safavid Iran.

I completed my PHD at the University of Toronto under the direction of Prof. Andre Schmid. Before coming to King's University College, I worked at such universities as St. Mary's University in Halifax, the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, and Korea University's Research Institute of Korean Studies in Seoul.

My family travelled around Canada and Europe when I was growing up, but I mostly grew up in Edmonton, Alberta, and indeed received my undergraduate degree from the University of Alberta. Before starting my PhD at the University of Toronto, I received my Master’s degree from Kangwon National University in Chuncheon in South Korea.

Please enjoy looking around. Well there is much work to be done, my website includes my CV, information about my teaching and research, as well as outlines of two conferences which I helped organize. I have recently posted a great deal of new information concerning my teaching, and I expect to post more shortly.