Dr. Adam Bohnet

Basic Classes

Most years that I have been at King's I have taught some version of these two courses. They are, one might say, basic to my teaching at this institution. 

History 1601 - Introduction to East Asian History: I did not teach History 1601 this year, but taught it every year for several years in a row. Next year I will be on sabbatical, but we hope that we can find somebody to offer it in my place. 

As it is a first-year course, my major concern in the class is to introduce first-year students to the study of history, and to academic life in university.  I am very concerned in this class to help students learn the basics of academic writing. 

The course is taught in Western history as well - but each instructor teaches the class differently. When I teach it, I cover only the period from 1550-1950,  so that I can discuss some themes in greater depth. Other instructors aim for a more general survey, as did I during the first year that I taught the class at King's.

The class tends to attract a wide variety of students, including quite a number of students who do not go on to study history. But even among those who pursue other subjects, quite a few take my classes later as optional courses.

I link a a sample syllabus, based on a class that I taught in 2014/2015. I hope to post other materials (sample assignments) as well.


HIstory 2650 - Peppers, Pirates and Priests: Trade and Exchange between East Asian and the World, 1200-1800: 

This class, which provides credit for the Medieval Studies program, and counts for the world/comparative history concentration in the history department, is mostly popular with students from the history department. Our interest is trade and culural exchange - to understand East Asian history within the context of global history. Broadly speaking, the class can be divided into three periods: the period of the Mongol empire (ca 1200-1368), the post-Mongol period (ca. 1368-1550), and the Age of Partnership (1550-1840). We discuss religious and intellectual exchange, commercial exchange and material culture.

I have posted a sample syllabus below. I am quite proud of my written assignments for this class, and I hope to post them shortly.

Sample syllabus, History 2650.